I am honoring my exercise resolution more this year then I have since Khalila. My resolution started off vague in terms of "have a healthy body that is balanced, in shape, and well taken care of" What I have translated part of that to doing an average of 30 minutes of cardio a day. My cholesterol is seven points above what is the most it should be. Also with my insulin resistance due to the poly cystic ovarian syndrome I am in danger of becoming diabetic. This commitment to exercise will help with the insulin levels and the cholesterol. Some of the boys and I get up at 5:30am every morning and get to the gym for 6:00am which is when it opens. Soon I will add strength training.
I was going to try to do 90 workouts in 90 days but given the busy nature of my life, and any other excuse I can find, that may be an impossible task. However it takes three weeks to create a habit and this is the beginning of my third week. I am hoping to go to Bikram yoga tomorrow to see how it fits with me. I love yoga, and I love heat, so let's see if I love the two together.
We are settled back in to our old house. It is so nice to be home. Khalila is about to start preschool again. She has missed it terribly and I kept her out hoping to spend time with her. We have spent time, but I have been distracted by moving, unpacking, sitting in the ER, taking care of my mother... However we have made some time for playing house, arts and crafts, ice skating, practicing letters, and dancing around. We still have to get to the Eric Carle museum and the Butterfly museum. Life is good, and I am blessed, every moment of every day.
Yesterday Khalila asked me if we could go visit Heaven. In that split second the tears threaten to make their presence known. She has been talking about Heaven a lot lately, probably with the anniversary of my brother's death recently. When she asked me where Heaven was I gave her the long winded explanation of "some people believe Heaven is somewhere up in the sky. Others believe it is all around is in the miracles of the grass growing or your laugh, and some people believe that it is in our hearts. You get to decide where and what you believe Heaven is."
I am one of those weird ones that teaches her the baby grows in your uterus and that though we like to say and imagine that the sun rises and sets, that actually the earth is spinning and that causes the sun to shine on different parts of the earth. I think this comes from learning constructivist education and how a part of teaching is unlearning misconceptions. She puts up with me and my idiosyncrasies.
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