Thursday, September 28, 2006

Things I love Thursday...

Miss Ninertins and her different titles for different days of the week, ie. TILT, and Photobooth Friday. She is also a crafty, optimistic, full of love for others, super-mama in that wholesome, energized, connected, proud, nurturing, wonderfulwifey, coiner of terms not to be forgotten, massaging, quilting, cooking, and so, so, so much more...

Flying through the middle of a misty rainbow while in a puddle jumper over the Caribbean Sea with my then boyfriend, now husband.

Motherhood and how I have grown as a mama since I started mothering at eight for my baby sister and all of the people since to the many more that will bless my life.

The glorious day outside today and the shining sun warming my cheeks as I soaked in the majesty of nature.

The opportunity to elaborate next Thursday on all of the things I love, that will take tons of Thursdays, for my love is boundless, endless, overflowing.

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