The move
Last week was spent packing up our house, our belongings, to be moved into the new dorm section of the house for the month or so that the house undergoes repairs. The house is to be deleaded, the roof replaced, the barn demolished, and if we are lucky we may get new floors in the kitchen and diningroom.
On Saturday there was a moving party, about 10 volunteers gathered by the United way, and our guys and some help from members of the board brought us up to about 25-30. Many hands make light the work, well in this case, make the work possible. Our house is huge and was full, and now, it stands empty. We moved into a five bedroom that Amherst College has been generous enough to let us use free of charge.
The new house is absolutely beautiful and has the best view in Amherst, I will post pictures eventually. Poor little missy though, she has had a lot of changes lately. She is adjusting well, I just hope long term, she doesn't feel unable to settle down or something. I will have faith.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
A wonderful weekend, that now seems so far away.
On Sunday four of the guys and I went to Six Flags Fright Fest. I haven't been to Six Flags before. I used to go when this amusement park was called Riverside and the biggest ride was the cyclone. Now the park has grown and is about five times bigger. We brought the twin's mother to the bus station in Hartford first. I call these two the twin's, not to take away their individuality or respect that they are different people, but to have more anonymity in a sense.
Six Flags was so fun. In a way I felt I was being irresponsible due to the higher incidence of traumatic brain injury and brain damage that happens due to rollercoaster riding. I want to be all the mother I can be for my little ones, but I took the risk and rode them anyway. We rode Batman, Mind Eraser, Flashback, rides that I don't remember the names of and of course Superman. The lines weren't that long and Superman was worth the wait. When I find the digital camera I will post the picture of four of us on the Superman. I felt energized and invigorated by the day. The marketing of the theme park was a bit obnoxious. The time with the guys, was priceless. We walked through haunted mazes which weren't really scary, but there was this one moment when Z was looking up at this alien and a short actor was standing underneath his vision, when he finally looked down, she made him holler and jump. W and I watched as this went down and it was fun. Also dancing with the "cannibals" was a fun moment in time. At first I wanted to be offended by the stereotype of the cannibal, but one of my guys started dancing and we all started. Much fun...
On Sunday four of the guys and I went to Six Flags Fright Fest. I haven't been to Six Flags before. I used to go when this amusement park was called Riverside and the biggest ride was the cyclone. Now the park has grown and is about five times bigger. We brought the twin's mother to the bus station in Hartford first. I call these two the twin's, not to take away their individuality or respect that they are different people, but to have more anonymity in a sense.
Six Flags was so fun. In a way I felt I was being irresponsible due to the higher incidence of traumatic brain injury and brain damage that happens due to rollercoaster riding. I want to be all the mother I can be for my little ones, but I took the risk and rode them anyway. We rode Batman, Mind Eraser, Flashback, rides that I don't remember the names of and of course Superman. The lines weren't that long and Superman was worth the wait. When I find the digital camera I will post the picture of four of us on the Superman. I felt energized and invigorated by the day. The marketing of the theme park was a bit obnoxious. The time with the guys, was priceless. We walked through haunted mazes which weren't really scary, but there was this one moment when Z was looking up at this alien and a short actor was standing underneath his vision, when he finally looked down, she made him holler and jump. W and I watched as this went down and it was fun. Also dancing with the "cannibals" was a fun moment in time. At first I wanted to be offended by the stereotype of the cannibal, but one of my guys started dancing and we all started. Much fun...
Monday, October 23, 2006
A wonderful weekend was had part one.
Although it was as busy as can be. It started with baking 60 mini heart apple pies for wedding favors. That was a lot of fun to do with the bride, her mother, her friend and Angelica. The kids played together and avoided mini meltdowns and dramas. Until of course it was time to leave, and then they were sad. Friday was the rehearsal and dinner for the wedding. Little Miss Khalila was invited to be the flower girl, so we got to be apart of the happenings. After the rehearsal dinner, I rushed to see Kl's play at the high school. Then wait up for the football players and find out about the game and the like. Late night talking with my guys.
Wedding day, Khalila made a perfect flower girl, I was so proud of her. The wedding was beautiful, a lot of music, a lot of tears, and ohhhh noooo I didn't remember the tissue. Then Khalila was a part of the picture taking and of to the reception where the wedding party was announced for the guests and Khalila entered with the bride's two year old son and four year old nephew. How adorable were they. Then the dancing with Jor-jor on the dance floor. What a wonderful night. My only complaint would be that I had to leave before I really got my dance on because I wanted to support my ABC son in his play. So off we went. To a wonderful performance of Zoology, then spending time with the twins, and his mother who had come from NY to see her sone perform. Life is so good to me right now. Husband was away all weekend at a meditation retreat so I was basically a single mom, but no worries, we get along just fine.
Although it was as busy as can be. It started with baking 60 mini heart apple pies for wedding favors. That was a lot of fun to do with the bride, her mother, her friend and Angelica. The kids played together and avoided mini meltdowns and dramas. Until of course it was time to leave, and then they were sad. Friday was the rehearsal and dinner for the wedding. Little Miss Khalila was invited to be the flower girl, so we got to be apart of the happenings. After the rehearsal dinner, I rushed to see Kl's play at the high school. Then wait up for the football players and find out about the game and the like. Late night talking with my guys.
Wedding day, Khalila made a perfect flower girl, I was so proud of her. The wedding was beautiful, a lot of music, a lot of tears, and ohhhh noooo I didn't remember the tissue. Then Khalila was a part of the picture taking and of to the reception where the wedding party was announced for the guests and Khalila entered with the bride's two year old son and four year old nephew. How adorable were they. Then the dancing with Jor-jor on the dance floor. What a wonderful night. My only complaint would be that I had to leave before I really got my dance on because I wanted to support my ABC son in his play. So off we went. To a wonderful performance of Zoology, then spending time with the twins, and his mother who had come from NY to see her sone perform. Life is so good to me right now. Husband was away all weekend at a meditation retreat so I was basically a single mom, but no worries, we get along just fine.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Glorious Fall Days
Sun shining on my face as my eyes feast on the beauty of this area. The leaves are alive so vibrantly, just like in the spring when they come and announce their majesty. Only now the green is replace by reds, oranges, yellow, and every shade in between. Last weekend was our annual fall foliage fundraiser. We had more walkers then ever before, 350 to 400 people came out. This is so important since the pressure is on to raise $125,000 more then we usually do for the lead abatement, new roof and barn razing.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Tell me how it's been almost a week since my last entrance. I keep intending to write but... life is so busy.
Last weekend was the first weekend the guys at the house went to their host family's for the weekend. S was here for half of the weekend, which was nice to catch up. She and her best friend are pregnant, they are both sixteen and have not birthed any children yet, so I am offering my advice for healthy pregnancy and not being afraid of birthing.
My last blog knew of my struggle with infertility for 3 1/2 years but this blog has yet to hear my ramblings. I have known of well over 100 pregnancies since my struggling and then stopped counting, it was too painful. I can't help wonder about the irony of the universe as it continues full on. This one having her second abortion this year, that one pregnant with her fifth, this one giving birth to two crack babies in the same year. At the football game the other day, I was surrounded by five pregnant women. No lie, two on each side and one standing in front of us. How much more can the universe get in my face about my infertility. My mother claims it is for the greater good and that I am meant for something larger then the birth of another child. I disagree and know that all of my children will fuel my passion to help others, not take away from it. I hope to adopt four and beg and pray that I may birth one more. Only time shall tell.
Back on track-We have an RV in the driveway for Khalila and I to sleep in due to the lead liability. We had five contractors in last Monday and will have bids next week, so that we can figure out how much it will cost, and how long it will take. So life is moving along and the work, including a new roof, may be done end of November, or middle of December.
Last weekend was the first weekend the guys at the house went to their host family's for the weekend. S was here for half of the weekend, which was nice to catch up. She and her best friend are pregnant, they are both sixteen and have not birthed any children yet, so I am offering my advice for healthy pregnancy and not being afraid of birthing.
My last blog knew of my struggle with infertility for 3 1/2 years but this blog has yet to hear my ramblings. I have known of well over 100 pregnancies since my struggling and then stopped counting, it was too painful. I can't help wonder about the irony of the universe as it continues full on. This one having her second abortion this year, that one pregnant with her fifth, this one giving birth to two crack babies in the same year. At the football game the other day, I was surrounded by five pregnant women. No lie, two on each side and one standing in front of us. How much more can the universe get in my face about my infertility. My mother claims it is for the greater good and that I am meant for something larger then the birth of another child. I disagree and know that all of my children will fuel my passion to help others, not take away from it. I hope to adopt four and beg and pray that I may birth one more. Only time shall tell.
Back on track-We have an RV in the driveway for Khalila and I to sleep in due to the lead liability. We had five contractors in last Monday and will have bids next week, so that we can figure out how much it will cost, and how long it will take. So life is moving along and the work, including a new roof, may be done end of November, or middle of December.
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